Note: To use this template, you’ll first need to duplicate it to your own Notion account. If you need help, you can consult this guide.

When setting goals, make sure it follows the SMART structure. Use the prompts below to build out your goals:

<aside> 🧠 **Specific: **A specific goal is clear and well-defined.

<aside> 📊 **Measurable: **A measurable goal establishes criteria for evaluating your progress, indicating when the goal has been reached.

<aside> 🏆 **Achievable: **SMART goals are realistic and within reach, with available resources and capabilities considered in forming them. They're meant to challenge you to grow without completely overwhelming you.

<aside> 💡 **Relevant: **SMART goals are always relevant to your larger aspirations. How does this goal fit in to your overarching ambitions?

<aside> ⏰ Time-bound: A clear timeline in place creates urgency and a sense of accountability.

